Combinig Technology and Education

One of the most frequent and widely supported calls for change in contemporary education is for newly envisioned curriculum that integrates math, science, and technology content and skills. It emphasizes meaningful problem-based learning, integration and application of knowledge, hands-on learning in cooperative groups, and demonstrable mastery of new learning. It attracts students to content domains such as mechanics, electrical circuits, and applied mathematical reasoning that all too often are stumbling blocks for middle school students. Robotics engages students in complex, strategic problem-solving and higher-order thinking. What is more, this kind of problem-solving can be introduced in a gradual, self-motivated way, so beginner students can experience satisfying achievements right away and can quickly move on to new challenges in a continuous progression toward greater levels of sophistication.

Making young minds to combine Technology and Education!

Robots and Robotics stimulate an interest in Science and Technology and teach problem solving, decision making, goal setting and logical thinking. Robots are designed to help humans to do everything from sweep floors to build cars. In Robodigx, they also help young people with a task that’s less tangible: keeping them focused on education and sparking their interests in fields like science, technology, engineering and mathematics (STEM).

The student minds are exposed into various tasks like designing, building, programming, piloting, and developing scoring mechanism for robot. So why waiting? If you are a parent, get the best to your tech savvy kid. For those teachers who are looking for a better education curriculum in their students, it’s time to move the next level. Each student is unique and their skill set may differ but, the robotics in their curriculum will bring the ultimate exposure to the today’s technological world.

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